Friday, February 19, 2021

e-Portfolio of Sem 2

Assalamualaikum warahmatuallahi wabarakatuh, today I would like to share about my experience and knowledge about usrah for sem 2 session 2021, namely usrah 51 and 52. My usrah, usrah 51 combined with usrah 52 makes our group members at least 40 students in our usrah. Our usrah is led by madam Asmiza Binti Shamshi or we called her as madam Mimi. The usrah session should actually be made as soon as we enter this 2nd semester but had to be postponed first.


 So, at our first usrah meeting, madam mimi suggested us to do ice breaking to get to know more about other friends considering we each have different course. Based on my experience, I found madam is a person who really understands the situation of her students and really likes to chat and share her experiences with students. Madam is also good at capturing the hearts of her students by being loving to her students. In this meeting I also found many of my friends who are very committed in giving a very good response to the question of madam.


 For the second meeting, we were exposed to the topic of kindness, sincerity and manners which we all know these things but we still forget about these things that cause us to easily neglect the things of the world. We should be sincere in doing all things because of Allah SWT so that our hearts are always in a state that always remembers Allah SWT this makes us far from evil, be kind to all creatures of Allah. We are also reminded not to be arrogant in helping others because if we always help others, Allah will surely help us. Every thing we do every day must have the right manners where this manners have been taught by the Qur'an and Sunnah so that people always tolerant of others in addition to doing work for yourself.


For the third week meeting, many of our friends who could not attend usrah because there was a physic test during usrah caused us to have to use the whatsapps platform as a platform to communicate so that people who could not attend could still read the info given in usrah. I think if we use the whatsapp platform as our meeting place it becomes a bit boring, but in fact this method is more popular than students, especially students who are quite shy to speak, but at this time we can express our opinions more easily and clearly. Many students gave a response to the discussion of the topic this time which is arkanul iman specific to believe in Allah SWT, angels and al-quran. Through usrah this time, I can input on why people still commit sins even though they believe in the presence of god and angels. Humans are always being forgetful and should be reminded at all times of the basic things such as the pillars of faith and the pillars of Islam, therefore we need to keep listening to religious knowledge even though we have known about it so that we are always aware of the presence of Allah and the angels who are always watching us. This can keep us from committing destructive vices such as stealing, supposedly we remember if others do not See us commit the sin, it does not matter, we need to remember that Allah always sees us and knows every thing from the smallest things because god is omnipotent knowing all things and omnipotent. We also need to constantly read the Qur'an and translations to increase our knowledge of religion, in addition to giving warnings and lessons to us to always do the commandments of Allah and stay away from the prohibitions.


For the fourth week of the meeting, we discussed the topic of believing in the prophets, the Day of Judgment and qada and qadar where I got a lot of knowledge about the prophet that Allah sent the Injil to him that is, the Prophet Isa. I also have a question about the Prophet Isa should we equate the Prophet Isa with Jesus who is considered by Christians to be a god? From usrah this time, I find many opinions on this matter, some agree and some do not, but some agree that what he named is different in each religion and interpreted in different ways. Madam also said that the same person but for Muslims we call the prophet Isa which is the better one. I believe that everything is in fact Allah has arranged for us what is best for us. Therefore, we should not stop praying to Allah because Allah loves His servants who like to ask for help from him. We also need to always think well of Allah's plan that Allah has arranged for the best for us. We also need to always believe in the Day of Judgment where doomsday will definitely happen. Only we do not know when the date, the time of the Judgement Day will occur which makes us always continue to do good and follow the command of Allah.


For this fifth usrah meeting, we held a usrah at noon where the topic this time was related to courtesy and eschatology. Ihsan means we perform worship as if Allah sees us which this matter creates sincerity in ourselves when worshiping Allah and does not arise a sense of ripples When performing worship to Allah in addition to avoiding ourselves from doing things that Allah does not like. While eschatology is meant by the signs of the Judgement Day that are getting closer to us as humans begin to develop tall buildings, children begin to disobey their parents and people commit many sins such as throwing away babies. Through this discussion, I was able to remind myself of the nearness of the Day of Judgment which evokes a sense of self-realization.


For the sixth meeting, we discussed manners with neighbours, parents and manners When seeking knowledge. Through this usrah, I get a lot of info and reminders about manners with parents where we need to always do parental instructions as long as it does not violate Islamic Shariah and treat parents with good treatment. We are also advised to always pray for the best for our parents and cherish them while they are still alive. Madam also told about the story of madam, where this story gave me a lot of awareness to always prioritize parents over personal needs, where for a while madam wanted to buy something for madam's mother and at that time, Allah helped madam which is greater than madam do to her mother. In addition, we are also advised to be civilized with neighbours, for example if we have cooked extra foods, we are encouraged to share with neighbours to strengthen human relationships. We are also required to be civilized when seeking knowledge where we are required to always sincerely study simply because of God so that our knowledge is always a blessing and not rippling with the knowledge we have and diligently teach others about the knowledge we get. We should also read the study prayer before starting learning so that we can remember and use that knowledge for good things.


 For our seventh meeting, we discussed about manners with the current environment through usrah this time, I can remind myself to always take care of the environment and our ecosystem as mentioned by the Prophet in the hadith which the Prophet stressed to us to always maintain the cleanliness of the environment unlike feces in shady places. Madam also advised us to always maintain the cleanliness of public toilets that will be used by others. During our usrah, there was a friend of mine who expressed her feelings of unbearable loneliness that sounded disappointed with herself. Through this activity, I was impressed with my wife and friends who never stopped giving words of encouragement to my friend. At this time there was also a friend of mine who asked a question about the state of her family at home which at this time made me realize that there are many people who are more difficult for those related to my current situation that I feel grateful for what I have now. Madam also gives a lot of advice to my friends which makes me think that madam is very good at giving words of encouragement and advice to students and do the best to understand the students. Madam also told about the story of her friend who made my heart very sad to hear it. I also found that madam sounded very sad when she told us about her friend’s story.


For our assignment group role play, we are the first group and we choose to make posters and slides. We divided the task equally where 2 people made posters, 2 people made slides and 3 people presented them as we have a large group of members which is 7 people. We agree to divide the task by drawing using the wheel on google so that it is fair. I was assigned to prepare the poster as below. It took me three days to complete it as I was not good at producing posters. I was able to complete the poster with the help of my friend, Nik Umairah who was also assigned to complete the poster. I also feel very happy to finish up my assignment!!!


                                       THE POSTER THAT MY FRIEND HAS MADE. So beautiful!!

                               THE POSTER FOR ROLE PLAY THAT I HAVE MADE


Through this usrah, I can feel the bitter sweetness with my friends and madam Mimi who made me determined to transform myself into a human being who is useful to others and change for the better than now while trying to get Allah's blessings. I also hope I can feel again the pleasure I felt during this usrah and do not forget the purpose of my life which is to worship Allah. I also find that this life is like a wheel, there is part of the sadness and happiness, yet we should always be grateful for the trials and tribulations that Allah has given because it is the best thing for us to grow up to be a good believers. 

e-Portfolio of SEM 3

Assalamualaikum, hello guys, today I would like to share about the usrah session held in this third semester, last semester for my foundatio...